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Jaan Doh's - Dayz Bak
This App Is No Longer Supported - Use At Your Own Risk!
DayzBak - Application Home...
DayZ is a survival video game developed and published by Bohemia Interactive. [Visit The Official Website]
Welcome to our humble little website for our application DayzBak, an application designed specifically to back up your local Dayz Server.
Just to clarify, right from the beginning, so as not to waste anyone's valuable time, this application has been designed to back up your local Dayz Server, it cannot be used to back-up your remote Dayz Server.
If you have a server hosted with a GSP and not in your own home/office, then you will not be able to use this application to backup your server.
If your Dayz Server is hosted in your own home/office and not remotely on your games service providers online hosting then please read on.
Over the various pages contained in this humble little website, you can find out more about the DayzBak application, it's features and how to use the DayzBak application so as to make optimal back ups of your favourite game.
We use the same application ourselves on our own Dayz Server. Currently we only host one server until such time that we have re-located to our new residence, at which point we will be shopping around for offices. Our Dayz Server website can be found at the link below:
DayzBak - Application Manual Links...
For further information about each of the Tabs/Pages of the application, please select one of the links below.